say cheese!

last week i made a camera!


i’ve seen so many stuffed cameras on pinterest lately (is anyone else seeing this trend, or is it just in my feed?), so i certainly can’t take credit for the idea. but i really wanted to make one!


i gave him a big lens nose!


and appliqued buttons and whatnot.


and a bright orange strap! this was the first time i used fusible fleece, and letmetellyou, i am in love with this stuff!


in a few of my colors of choice, pretty much forever and ever. the color reminds me of instax cameras. i particularly love the pink one!


the bee had fun shooting the seedier side of small town midcoast maine.


look at that sketchy character. let’s get a close-up.


artsy shots.

here’s a round-up of a few of my fave plush cameras i’ve seen out there on the world wide webs!

camera montage

1. red polaroid plush camera and 2. strawberry mint plush camera by forage photo and design 3. yestergear plush camera by eric comstock for land of nod 4. camera natural by suussies


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